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Official Docs

Annual Reports

As an organisation committed to maintaining transparency and accountability, we recognise the importance of keeping our members and the wider community informed about our activities. Therefore, each year, as part of the proceedings of our Annual General Meeting (AGM), we prepare a comprehensive annual report that provides an overview of the work we have undertaken over the course of the year. This report is a vital communication tool that helps us to highlight the impact of our efforts, showcase our achievements and share our vision for the future. By providing this information, we hope to strengthen our relationships with our members and stakeholders, consolidate their trust in us and foster greater engagement with the community we serve. With our annual report, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of our organisation’s values, objectives, and direction. We remain dedicated to ensuring that our stakeholders are kept informed and engaged in our work, both now and in the future.

2022 Annual Report

2023 Annual Report

2024 Annual Report